Gorgeous golden eagle returns to its winter roost
A golden eagle keeps watch over a field in Boulder County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A golden eagle keeps watch over a field in Boulder County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

It has been since February that I last saw the golden eagles at this spot in Boulder County, Colorado. I had just about given up hope, thinking they had moved on. Two weekends ago I finally saw them again and then again this past weekend.

As always, it was pretty uncooperative when it came to pictures, hanging out well-buried within a tree’s branches initially. After an hour it took flight, naturally at an angle that prevented me getting pics. It did then roost for a few minutes on top of a utility pole giving me a few more poses though.

Hopefully it will continue to hang out in this spot and I will get more photo ops with it.

A golden eagle keeps watch over a field in Boulder County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A golden eagle keeps watch over a field in Boulder County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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