Gorgeous golden eagles on a cold winter’s day

Gorgeous golden eagles on a cold winter’s day
A female golden eagle keeps watch on a wintry day in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Oh how I wish the light was golden like these birds’ heads on this morning a week ago. I happened across my favorite pair of golden eagles, the first sighting of them I have had in months.

Unfortunately, Mother Nature opted to bring in lots of clouds making for very dim lighting and tough shooting conditions, including 14-degree temperatures. Still, it was fun to get to see these massive, gorgeous raptors again, even if the pics are kinda cruddy.

The male was hanging out on one of their favorite perches, a pole on a hillside that allows them to survey their domain. The female was about a quarter mile away, choosing more natural perch as she watched over a field waiting to hunt.

A female golden eagle keeps watch on a wintry day in Colorado. (© Tony's Takes)
A female golden eagle keeps watch on a wintry day in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male golden eagle keeps watch on a wintry day in Colorado. (© Tony's Takes)
A male golden eagle keeps watch on a wintry day in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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