Returning from a less than great photo drive on a dreary day two weekends ago, I spot two Bald Eagles in an area in which I normally only see eagles in the winter. I of course had to stop and investigate and much to my surprise, I knew them!
This is a mated pair from a nearby nest and I know this because the male (right) has distinctive dark spots on its head. You all have actually seen pictures of them many times in the past.
Unfortunately, this year, the nest failed early on so there were no offspring. I suspect that was the result of a couple of folks intruding on their nesting area too often and too close as I had witnessed more than once this spring. That is unfortunate as during mating season, they are particularly sensitive and it doesn’t take much to throw them off and ruin any chance of another generation of eagles.
I gave a couple gentle hints to the offenders this year but next year I won’t be so kind and likely will involve the authorities. It is fine to watch them and, depending on the situation, watch relatively closely but there are limits.