Flyby for Freedom Friday

Flyby for Freedom Friday

Oh my goodness this lady is just beautiful. She is the matriarch at one of the Bald Eagle nests I watch and is always impressive.

It is however somewhat unusual to see her doing housework, that is normally something the male does at this particular nest. On this morning, perhaps the male just got tired of doing everything and laid down the law, prompting her to go fetch a small stick to add to the home. 😉 Image taken back in April.

Bald eagles have been a spiritual symbol of Native Americans for hundreds of years. There were variations between tribes as to the eagles’ symbolism but for most it generally represented bravery, wisdom, strength and courage. It was believed that the eagles carried prayers to the Great Spirit.

A female Bald Eagle returns to her nest with a small stick. (© Tony’s Takes)
A female Bald Eagle returns to her nest with a small stick. (© Tony’s Takes)

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