High altitude fox on the rocks
A red fox stops and watches from large boulders near the top of Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park. (© Tony’s Takes)

Happy #FoxFriday, everyone! ? Going back to one year and one month ago and a surprise encounter with a fox at 12,000 feet.

As I traveled North America’s highest, continuous paved road, I spotted this fox walking along, not a care in the world. I had to do a double take as I have never heard of any foxes being in this area. Once I realized what I was seeing, I raced ahead, hoping to intercept it as it continued up the road.

What followed was an absolutely charmed encounter as it largely ignored me as it walked across the tundra, bounded on boulders and just gave me a fantastic bunch of pics. This is one I haven’t shared previously. Hope you all have a great weekend!

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