I share these images not because of their quality (it certainly is not great) but rather because of the subject matter.
While out patrolling familiar photo grounds northeast of Denver yesterday, I was getting many pictures of the usual menagerie of hawks, owls and other birds. Near a prairie dog colony, I spotted an unusually colored bird swooping low over the rodents’ homes sending the little critters into a panic. I quickly flipped a u-turn, pulled over, and snapped a couple of quick pictures of the raptor is it passed fast and low above the ground well off in the distance.
Playing back the image on my camera I was delighted to see I had captured images of a ?Peregrine? ?Falcon? – something not often seen on the plains. I headed off in the direction the falcon went but unfortunately was unable to get another picture of it. I do wish the images were of better quality but am pleased as punch to have gotten what I did of a cool bird in an unusual location.