You again!

It had been a couple months since I had seen this Peregrine Falcon. Over the last couple of winters, I and other photographers have spotted it a few times in the area near Denver International Airport. This area is not one you would expect to find this fast-moving raptor in but it seems to have taken to life on the flat, hot plains just fine.

In the past it refused to pose for pictures and on rare occasion would come close enough in flight to grab a few, fleeting captures. Twice over the past couple of weeks I have seen it hanging out on a particular pole and both times it was more than willing to let me get my fill of shots of it while it kept watch. Naturally though, the second I tried to get closer, it bolted and always in a direction that prevented a flight shot.

One of the most spectacular and ferocious raptors, Peregrine Falcons are nothing short of amazing. They oftentimes hunt from on high, diving to the ground toward their prey at speeds up to 200 mph!

You again!
A Peregrine Falcon keeps watch on the photographer in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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