Little bird sounds off big

Little bird sounds off big

A grasshopper sparrow sings its song on the Colorado plains. (© Tony's Takes)
A grasshopper sparrow sings its song on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)

For only being a few inches tall, this little grasshopper sparrow sure put a lot of effort into making noise – kind of like the old country song, “I’m Little But I’m Loud:”

“And so I have to sing, The only way that I know how, Just rare back, open up and let ‘er fly.” 😀

As I always say, I am not a birder per se so I don’t usually know what I am looking at when I see these little birds. In fact, I thought this was a young meadowlark or something along those lines but by friend, Bill, clued me in on its true identity.

Grasshopper sparrows are found across much of the eastern 2/3 of the contiguous United States in the summers. During the winters, they spend time in Mexico and the Gulf Coast.

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