Little hawk, big eagle

A marked contrast in size between these two raptors to say the least. I was taking pics of the beautiful Bald Eagle when this young Cooper’s Hawk landed nearby. While I wish they were closer together, the image does do a nice job showing the difference in sizes between the two.

While the eagle has a wingspan between 6 and 7 feet, the much smaller Cooper’s is less than half that big. At one point the hawk gave me a wide-eyed look as if to say, “Check out how big that eagle is!” 😉

While not often seen, the Cooper’s Hawk is actually quite common. Typically associated with forests and woodlands, they have proven themselves to be very adaptable and indeed seem to thrive in suburban and urban environments. However, they typically opt to hang out within the cover of tree branches and leaves, not normally out in the open.

A juvenile Cooper's Hawk and adult Bald Eagle pose near each other. (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile Cooper’s Hawk and adult Bald Eagle pose near each other. (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile Cooper's Hawk keeps watch on a nearby Bald Eagle. (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile Cooper’s Hawk keeps watch on a nearby Bald Eagle. (© Tony’s Takes)
A wide-eyed juvenile Cooper's Hawk. (© Tony’s Takes)
A wide-eyed juvenile Cooper’s Hawk. (© Tony’s Takes)

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