Little Screech Owl showcases its camouflage

Little Screech Owl showcases its camouflage

An Eastern Screech Owl naps, knowing its camouflage does a good job making it hard to spot. (© Tony’s Takes)
An Eastern Screech Owl naps, knowing its camouflage does a good job making it hard to spot. (© Tony’s Takes)

How is this for blending into your surroundings? These cool owls are small to begin with then when you see just how closely their coloring matches the trees, you can see why they are rarely seen.

When I first went to find this little guy (or gal), I walked around the tree five times without seeing it. It was only when someone else pointed it out to me did I find it.

That was last year and I was very happy to learn it was back in the same spot this year so I had to pay it a visit last weekend. It spent the entire time with its eyes closed, soaking in the warmth of the early morning sun.

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