A very fun visit with my favorite pair of bald eagles yesterday. I was hoping to be able to spot any little ones they might have and while I am convinced they are there, I did not get to see them.
As I mentioned previously, the nest bowl this year is to the back of the nest and it has gotten quite deep limiting the view. However, judging by the adults’ behavior, it definitely appears that there are eaglets in there.
Mom was not in her previous incubating position and in fact, spent a good bit of time on the edge of the nest, frequently peering into the bowl and twice seemed to be feeding something in it. She even let dad stand watch for a while when she left for a bit to stretch her wings and catch a fish. Here, she had just returned with the fish and with his turn done, he departs while she looks on.
Hopefully on my next visit the little ones will have grown enough that I can get pics of them.