Male Bald Eagle on an attack vector

You don’t mess with this raptor or his offspring. That message was loud and clear when an unrelated Bald Eagle dared to enter its territory.

As I was watching him and his young one, he became quite agitated and made a huge ruckus. I could see he was looking in the distance behind me and I turned to see another eagle daring to approach. Dad did not find that acceptable and quickly launched and pursued the interloper, chasing it away before it got anywhere near the nest.

This image was taken back in June on one of my last visits to this site. The young eaglet has now fledged and the family is dispersed. With any luck, next spring the adults will return and have yet another successful mating season. Have a great weekend and TGIF!

A male Bald Eagle sets off in pursuit of another eagle that dared to enter its territory along the South Platte River in Adams County, Colorado.   (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Bald Eagle sets off in pursuit of another eagle that dared to enter its territory along the South Platte River in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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