Male broad tailed hummingbird gets the lady’s attention

Male broad tailed hummingbird gets the lady’s attention
A male broad-tailed hummingbird gets the attention of a female. (© Tony’s Takes)

Oh yes, he was quite the handsome one and she appeared to be taking note. 😉

That isn’t quite what was really happening. In truth, this guy was a big bully, not wanting to allow any other hummingbirds access to the feeder. He would stake out a spot in a nearby bush where he could keep watch and the second another hummingbird tried to get something to eat, he would begin harassing them.

While he got this female’s attention, she wasn’t easily intimidated and stayed put, going right back to eating. The hummingbirds provided a ton of entertainment on this camping trip a couple of weeks ago and some cool photo ops.

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