Mama bear and her three cubs out for a stroll

Mama bear and her three cubs out for a stroll

A brown bear sow leads her three cubs in Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska. (© Tony's Takes)
A brown bear sow leads her three cubs in Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska. (© Tony’s Takes)

One more for Mothers Day. Taken last July in Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska.

This brown bear sow and her three cubs were working their way down the river. She would eventually stash them in some tall grass then go fishing where she proved her prowess as the provider for the little ones.

Try as we might, we never could get a decent shot of her with the three of them but it was a thrill to see them. She was large and in charge and definitely ready to protect her cubs if need be. Those little ones, well, they definitely were cute although here they were pretty soaked having just swam across the river.

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