Marmot fight!

Marmot fight!
A marmot latches onto the head of another marmot, defending its stash of grass. (© Tony’s Takes)

It is a little tough to tell exactly what is going on just by viewing the pics but it was quite a little battle. I’ve seen marmots “play fight” as part of their mating rituals but I have never seen them truly go head-to-head in a real fight – until this day.

The larger marmot had gathered up some alpine grass and had left it on a rock the marmot was sitting on. A second, smaller marmot apparently wanted some of the meal / bedding but the first was not in the mood to share.

When the second marmot approached, the first latched onto the intruder’s head with its teeth! Immediately a screaming sound ripped through the silence at 14,000 feet as the smaller marmot tried to escape the larger one’s grasp.

It began back-pedaling, trying desperately to get away as the defender held on to its head. Finally, the smaller marmot broke free and, needless to say, quickly scampered

A marmot latches onto the head of another marmot, defending its stash of grass. (© Tony's Takes)
A marmot latches onto the head of another marmot, defending its stash of grass. (© Tony’s Takes)
A marmot latches onto the head of another marmot, defending its stash of grass. (© Tony's Takes)
A marmot latches onto the head of another marmot, defending its stash of grass. (© Tony’s Takes)
A marmot latches onto the head of another marmot, defending its stash of grass. (© Tony's Takes)
A marmot latches onto the head of another marmot, defending its stash of grass. (© Tony’s Takes)

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