Meet Snow E Coyote, Wile E’s cousin

I ran into a far less famous relative of Road Runner’s nemesis this past weekend. 😉

Out for my wildlife drive, I had stopped next to a field out on the plains and was scanning the area for raptors that might be on the ground. Seeing none, I turned back to start to drive off and I see movement out of the corner of my eye. Lo and behold, there is this gorgeous Coyote right on the other side of the road.

With the clouds and snow light was at a premium and those big snowflakes made focusing difficult. I managed a couple decent shots of it though before it headed off the other direction.

A Coyote keeps watch as a spring snow falls on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Coyote keeps watch as a spring snow falls on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)

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