These are the type of scenes I relish when I camp in the Colorado high country during the summer.
Having arrived earlier than the rest of my family, I headed out for an evening hike while I waited for the rest of the crew to arrive. The sun had just dropped below the towering 13,229-foot Mount Audubon to the west and the light was fleeting.
Four moose bulls were grazing on the willows along the shoreline so I pulled up a rock to sit and watch. The still and quiet was only interrupted by the occasional grunt from the big guys and the sound of them munching on willows.
This bull, the youngest of the group, decided he was thirsty and came down for a drink. For a moment, he hesitated, looking to the west and the setting sun, seeming to soak in the beauty before him. Well, probably not, but it sure seemed like it and it made for a pretty cool moment – and a nice capture.
Happy Moose Monday!
Taken September 8, 2018 in the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area.