Now might be the time to start backing up. 😉
Before someone thinks otherwise, this image was taken from a very respectful distance and is cropped to add the drama that might be taking place if I were closer. This big guy was simply moving from one bush to another and I was fortunate that he turned and walked a bit straight toward me as he relocated.
As you can tell from the ears up position, he wasn’t threatened or concerned. Having said that…
We spent this past weekend camping in Gilpin County, Colorado, providing us a very enjoyable respite from the city – although the smoke up there from the various wildfires in the state was horrendous.
As always, I headed out each morning looking for critters and yesterday, came across this guy and his buddy. They were lazily grazing in a meadow dotted with willows. I worked myself to a spot with relatively clear viewing, pulled up a stump to sit on and spent two hours with them.
It was absolutely fantastic and so quiet other than the sound of them ripping leaves from the bushes and the wind blowing through the aspen trees.
You might notice this bull’s antlers have a little bit of deformity toward the base of them, particularly his left one. I have seen deer with similar things but this is the first time I have noticed it on a moose.