You do realize I could squash you like a bug, right?

This Bald Eagle yesterday seemed a bit incredulous that a Magpie would dare to come so close. After work I was going to check out a rumored owl pair and decided to take the scenic route by a spot where I had previously seen eagles but up until now they were always too far off to get to. As luck would have it, the pair was in a stand of trees only about 20 yards from the road and they put on quite a show with numerous poses and two great flybys.

While I was there a very nice older gentleman that owns the property by which I was standing came out to see what I was taking pictures of.  We chit-chatted for the longest time and when the eagles moved where I couldn’t see them, he let me go onto his property to get the angle I needed.  Very kind of him.  I’ll be printing some of the images I captured and drop them off for him.

Taken in Adams County, Colorado.

A Bald Eagle seems a bit annoyed at a nearby Magpie. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle seems a bit annoyed at a nearby Magpie. (© Tony’s Takes)

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