Moose bull puts its head down and tries to make it through Monday

Moose bull puts its head down and tries to make it through Monday
A moose bull is head on while grazing in Rocky Mountain National Park. (© Tony’s Takes)

Well, okay, that is probably better said about me than this big guy but it makes for a good caption for Moose Monday. 😉

Going back to early August in Rocky Mountain National Park. This handsome fellow had made his way inside one of the enclosures put around foliage to protect it from overgrazing by elk. That worked out well for this moose bull as he had a veritable smorgasbord of willows to dine on without any competitors to worry about.

As he alternated between grazing on willows and grass, I captured this cool, head on pose. It definitely looks more dramatic than what it was thanks to the use of a big zoom lens and a healthy distance between him and I.

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