Look at this cutie! Probably only a week or so old and totally stealing my heart and bringing a smile on this #MooseMonday.
The sun was cresting the mountains to the east and lighting up the Kawuneeche Valley in golden light. The moose were quite active as I saw a total of 10 or so. Of course, these two and the other cow / calf combo in the area were by far the highlights. I watched them graze in the meadows and even do a river crossing. So much fun!
Getting pics of this little one required a 3:00am departure from home yesterday in order to get to the west side of Rocky Mountain National Park in time. They have implemented a reservation system so if you don’t have one, you have to be in the gate before 6:00am.
Given that the moose only stay out in the open for a brief bit in the morning, an early departure was required anyway but it sure was hard getting up so early!