Moose calf strikes a pose

Moose calf strikes a pose

A moose calf keeps watch in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. (© Tony's Takes)
A moose calf keeps watch in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

One of the two moose calves I was able to spend time with yesterday morning. Usually they stuck close to mom so I didn’t get many pics of them standing alone.

This one did finally step out a bit but, unfortunately, it was in some deep shadows so the image is a bit grainy from having to use a high ISO on my camera. Nevertheless, I love the pose of the fuzzy little one.

You can tell it was a bit wet as mom made it do a couple of river crossings prior to this picture being taken.

If they didn’t get so big, I would want one of these as a pet.  😉

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