With the weather here in Colorado slowly starting to turn warmer, I can’t help but be anxious to return to all the places and critters of the high country. The mountain goats of Mount Evans are always a highlight and I always make it up there a few times each year.
They are so beautiful and the kids are cute and entirely entertaining. There are down times, such as this, taken last July around mid-morning. The kid had been playing with its friends for much of the previous two hours and finally decided it was time to take a break. A spot on the tundra among the wildflowers and boulders was a good place for them to lie and made for a nice capture.
Mountain Goats are actually not native to the Centennial State. They were brought here over six transplant operations from 1948 to 1972 as game animals and tourist attractions. Those 50 or so Mountain Goats grew to numbers in the thousands today.