One of these is not like the others

One of these is not like the others

A Snow Goose hangs out among a bunch of Canada Geese. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Snow Goose hangs out among a bunch of Canada Geese. (© Tony’s Takes)

Can you pick out the oddball goose? 😉

I happened across a big flock of geese in a field in northern Colorado a few days ago. Normally I wouldn’t pay it any attention as the Canada Geese are so common, and indeed, somewhat overwhelming at times. However, there was one goose in particular that didn’t quite fit with the flock – a Snow Goose.

A Snow Goose hangs out among a bunch of Canada Geese. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Snow Goose hangs out among a bunch of Canada Geese. (© Tony’s Takes)

While we do see these here during migration, most don’t hang around long. Apparently this guy decided he liked the company of the Canadians better than his own kind.

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