One owlet stands out, two stay hidden

What a fantastic find my friend turned me on to. A pair of Great Horned Owls established a nest along a very public greenbelt not far from where I live. I have photographed GHOs and their nests many times but only in traditional, stick nests. This is the first I have personally seen one in a tree cavity which makes for a unique scene.

I’ve visited a few times over the past week, photographing both parents as well as some of the three little ones. On Monday, one of the little ones was standing tall just above the cavity. If you look closely, you can see one of its siblings peering out from below. I never did get a decent shot of all three but was able to verify two down in the cavity. With any luck, one of these days I will get a shot of all three before they fledge.

You can see more of my pics of these types of owls here.

Great Horned Owl owlets hang out at their nest in Thornton, Colorado.  (© Tony’s Takes)
Great Horned Owl owlets hang out at their nest in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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