This beautiful raptor was circling over a pond and I was lucky enough to witness it plunge into the water a few times in an attempt to catch a fish. On the last attempt it was successful but unfortunately facing the opposite direction from me so those pictures are not great.

These raptors are actually a type of a hawk. Making them a bit unique is that they almost exclusively live near water and dine on fish. Aiding them in their ability to catch fish is an unusual reversible outer toe that allows them to get a better grasp from behind in addition to the front. When fishing, they will oftentimes hover above their prey then dive straight into the water. I shared a video a couple of days ago showing this if you want to check it out.

An Osprey patrols a Longmont, Colorado pond looking for breakfast.  (© Tony’s Takes)
An Osprey patrols a Longmont, Colorado pond looking for breakfast. (© Tony’s Takes)

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