Osprey takes flight head on

A very fun picture taken this past weekend at St. Vrain State Park, Colorado.

There are a number of Osprey that spend their summers in the area and this was the male of a pair that is nesting within the park. He was happily perched in a tree near the nest when he decided it was time to go fishing. Thankfully I was ready and snapped this image as he headed right toward me.

Due to the compression effect of using a very long telephoto lens it makes it appears I was quite close when in reality I wasn’t. I love the intense look of those golden eyes coupled with the blue skies and some wispy, low clouds behind. Many of the females are already sitting on the nests with their clutch beneath them. In another few weeks little ones will begin emerging.

A male Osprey flies head on at the viewer in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Osprey flies head on at the viewer in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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