Springtime brings a return of many birds to Colorado that leave during the winter including the osprey. These relatively large birds come to the Front Range for breeding during the spring. Many locations have built osprey nesting poles to help them find a home.
Today I went to the Boulder County Fairgrounds to look at a pair that is quite famous – they even have their own live webcam. The nest unfortunately is a bit too far away to get decent pictures of with my modest equipment.
However they were kind enough to come a bit closer and allow me to get some nice shots. One roosted on a pole only about 30 feet away and groomed himself while I snapped away. It then took to nest building and I managed some images of it returning with material.
Photos © Tony’s Takes. Images are available for purchase as a print or for digital use. Please don’t steal, my prices aren’t particularly expensive. For more information contact me here.

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