Osprey, great blue heron and geese

My usual Saturday morning photo shoot took me back to Longmont, Colorado to check out the osprey again.  As before, they were very compliant and provided some great shots – including many of them enjoying a sushi breakfast.

Making a guest appearance was a family of Canada geese and their newly hatched goslings as well as a great blue heron.

As you view the photos below, you will see the last nine photos are a sequence where one of the osprey has twine on its talons.  It was very interesting to watch.  I was focusing on one sitting on a pole when its mate came flying over.

It had some twine stuck to its claw and seemed pretty upset about it. It took back off and started dragging its claws in the water and then even did a belly skid in an attempt to get it off. It is pretty interesting to see. Glad it worked out.

Please disregard the poor quality of that series of images – it all happened so fast I didn’t have a chance to adjust the exposure on the fly.

An osprey makes a close fly by. (© Tony’s Takes)
An osprey makes a close fly by. (© Tony’s Takes)


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Photos © Tony’s Takes. Images are available for purchase as a print or for digital use. Please don’t steal, my prices aren’t particularly expensive. For more information contact me here.

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