Pelican pursues a heron for its fish

Pelican pursues a heron for its fish
A pelican chases after a great blue heron that had caught a fish. (© Tony’s Takes)

This was something I hadn’t seen before. Pelicans can definitely be aggressive in trying to steal a meal from other birds, usually choosing to go after cormorants. I had never seen one try to steal from a great blue heron though, let alone set off in pursuit of it in the air.

This heron caught itself a huge fish and no doubt was looking forward to the meal but the pelican had its eyes on the prize as well. The pelican chased it for a good ways and eventually the heron dropped the fish, living both empty handed.

Kind of a “content over quality” series as the pics aren’t the best with the action taking place a long ways away and not in good light but it was fun to see.

A pelican chases after a great blue heron that had caught a fish. (© Tony's Takes)
A pelican chases after a great blue heron that had caught a fish. (© Tony’s Takes)
A pelican chases after a great blue heron that had caught a fish. (© Tony's Takes)
A pelican chases after a great blue heron that had caught a fish. (© Tony’s Takes)

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