Pelicans patrol for a meal

After being cooped up due to cruddy weather this past weekend, on Monday I was desperate to take some pictures and get outside. Mother Nature was kind enough to oblige with five handsome subjects along my drive home.

Five American White Pelicans were fishing in a small pond, no doubt happy like I was to have warmer weather. They largely ignored me, swimming around and submerging their massive beaks in the water occasionally trying to catch a meal.

These Pelicans spend their winters along the Gulf and southern Pacific coasts as well as in Mexico. Springtime sees them move north with many going to Canada and the northern plains but some choosing to stop part way and spend the summer in the Centennial State, northern California and a few other spots.

American White Pelicans do some fishing in a pond in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
American White Pelicans do some fishing in a pond in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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