Portrait of a battle-tested Bighorn Sheep ram

You can tell by the look for the horns on this guy that he has seen his share of fights in his years on the mountain. They are weathered and worn and even the ends are chipped off and his size showed that he was clearly one of the senior members of the herd. In fact, of the 15 bachelors we saw hanging out together on the top of Logan Pass in Glacier National Park, he definitely appeared to be in command.

While the males were all getting along at the time, in another few weeks the rut will be starting and that friendliness toward each other will be gone. Raging hormones and the need to mate will take over and those horns will once again be getting a workout.

Portrait of a Bighorn Sheep ram in Glacier National Park, Montana. (© Tony’s Takes)
Portrait of a Bighorn Sheep ram in Glacier National Park, Montana. (© Tony’s Takes)

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