Pretty Posing Prairie Falcon

There’s a few P’s for you with an F thrown in for good measure. 😉

This winter I haven’t had as much like photographing these fantastic raptors as in year’s past. On Wednesday though, I happened across one that was kind enough to perch itself right next to the road. It was largely unbothered by my presence and sat still long enough for me to grab these captures.

These cool raptors can be found flying low to the ground searching for prey. They are extraordinarily maneuverable and very difficult to catch pics of in-flight although I have on occasion had some good luck. Prairie Falcons are not particular about their diet and will feed on smaller birds including larks, swallows and doves and will also feed on rodents including squirrels.

Pretty Posing Prairie Falcon
A Prairie Falcon keeps watch in Morgan County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Prairie Falcon keeps watch in Morgan County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Prairie Falcon keeps watch in Morgan County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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