Pronghorn battle on the plains

Pronghorn battle on the plains

Pronghorn bucks test their mettle against each other in some pre-rut action in Colorado.  (© Tony’s Takes)
Pronghorn bucks test their mettle against each other in some pre-rut action in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

This was a fun little bit of action that I had never witnessed with this particular type of creature before. Driving along I spotted five Pronghorn bucks out in a field north of Denver International Airport.

Normally, stopping would send them running but they were more interested in each other. Four of them were engaged in some back and forth battles, locking horns and pushing each other around.

I presume this is all leading up to the annual rut as they start to establish a pecking order for mating season. Fun stuff to see!

Pronghorn bucks test their mettle against each other in some pre-rut action in Colorado.  (© Tony’s Takes)
Pronghorn bucks test their mettle against each other in some pre-rut action in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
Pronghorn bucks test their mettle against each other in some pre-rut action in Colorado.  (© Tony’s Takes)
Pronghorn bucks test their mettle against each other in some pre-rut action in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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