Red fox focuses on potential prey
A red fox keeps watch on a nearby squirrel. (© Tony’s Takes)

Squirrel! That is what had this beautiful fox’s attention. Soon after this pic was taken, it did indeed try to sneak up on its potential prey but that failed as the squirrel scampered high up in a tree before the fox had any real chance.

Sunday was a fantastic morning spent with two of these creatures. I had seen them enter an area of very, thick dense brush so I staked out a spot about 30 feet away behind a fallen tree and waited. It was cold as heck and the ground was wet from frost but it was so worth it.

They eventually emerged from their cover and since I was into the rising sun from their point of view, they couldn’t really see me. At times they seemed to sense I was there but minimal movement and keeping my camera on its silent electronic shutter allowed me to shoot freely.

Unfortunately, near as I can tell, the pair does not have an active den with kits. If anyone knows of a den along the Colorado Front Range, particularly in the north Denver metro area, please shoot me a PM. I would certainly appreciate the tip and I will reward you with prints if it pans out.

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