Red fox poses for pictures in front of the changing fall foliage

Red fox poses for pictures in front of the changing fall foliage
A red fox keeps watch while sitting on a log in front of some fall foliage. (© Tony’s Takes)

So, I have had some pretty danged good luck with foxes lately, as seen in this image for  Fox Friday.

I was recently out photographing with a friend and we knew foxes were in the area and I joked, “I want a fox to come sit right on that log and pose for us.” No joke, five minutes later, I look over and there is a fox on a log looking right at us!

It wasn’t the same log I had pointed to but this one was in fact better as it had a lot more character and the leaves behind made the scene even better. The fox was clearly very much aware of our presence but tolerated us as we were a good ways away.

It was wary at first, standing for quite a while and clearly ready to run. We just stayed put and watched, marveling at its beauty and enjoying the opportunity. It then sat down, giving us some great poses. It doesn’t get much better than that!

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