Just go for it!

Just go for it!

A mountain goat kid leaps from one boulder to another on Mount Evans. (© Tony’s Takes)
A mountain goat kid leaps from one boulder to another on Mount Evans. (© Tony’s Takes)

Just go for it!  Indeed, this little mountain goat kid had no problem doing just that.

While only a few months old, these little guys show no fear and are just as adept as their parents at handing the rocky terrain of their home. Taken on Independence Day at the top of Mount Evans in Colorado, this particular pair was very rambunctious on this morning.

They were constantly leaping from boulder to boulder, pushing, shoving and just having a grand time. It of course was highly entertaining to watch and looking at the pics now, I can’t help but be anxious to get back up there again. Of course it is four months or more away before the road even opens so I have a long wait.

A mountain goat kid leaps from one boulder to another on Mount Evans. (© Tony’s Takes)
A mountain goat kid leaps from one boulder to another on Mount Evans. (© Tony’s Takes)

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