Shake it off and get back in the game!

Shake it off and get back in the game!
An osprey gives a shake in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Sorry for being a bit sporadic with postings lately. I seem to have been burning the proverbial candle at both ends lately and something had to give. Thankfully, nothing major or dramatic, I have just had a lot going on beyond photography that has occupied my time. Heck, I even took an entire weekend off of taking any photo outings and I can’t even remember when that last happened! LOL! Things are settling down now and I hope to get back in the game with my usual daily postings.

This capture was taken this past weekend on a camping trip, one of the last of the season. The male osprey was hanging out in a nice spot with those beautiful, blue Colorado skies behind it. It gave itself a nice shake making for a fun picture. Very soon he will be heading south for the winter, something I wish I could do!

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