Small, medium and large

Not a particularly great photo in terms of quality or composition but I find it interesting. This really shows the size differences between an American Bison calf, cow and a bull.

When born, a calf weighs only 50 pounds or so. This one is a month or two old so has likely doubled or tripled that. Mature cows will top out at 1,100 pounds while those massive bulls can get up to 2,000 pounds or so!

These massive animals were hunted to the brink of extinction in the 1700s and 1800s with as few as 750 reported by 1890. Their numbers have since rebounded with about 500,000 now living on public and private lands. Native Americans call them Tatanka, a Lakota word that translated means “bull buffalo.”

A Bison calf, cow and bull walk through the grass. (© Tony’s Takes)

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