Some of you have asked me if I had any horse pictures and up until this past weekend, the answer was no. Now I do and I have a ton of them!
It has long been on my photo bucket list to go to Sand Wash Basin in northwestern Colorado where the BLM has set aside 155,000 acres for wild horses.
We were actually supposed to be in Hawaii this week but of course, the coronavirus put a kibosh on that. Instead, we loaded up the RV and headed out spending two days watching these magnificent creatures.
The horses are believed to have been around since Spanish explorers, possibly including Francisco de Coronado, left them behind or lost them during their expeditions in the mid to late 1500s. The horses have thrived on the dry, high desert in the centuries since and Sand Wash Basin has as many as 700 of them today.
While at the north end of the area watching a gathering of multiple bands, the stallion on the right decided to challenge the one on the left and came running in, rearing up and ready for battle. Unfortunately, his bark was worse than his bite and he backed off almost immediately.
I took tons more pics so will be sharing them in the future. Hope you enjoy!