Suburban great horned owl keeps close watch

Suburban great horned owl keeps close watch

A great horned owl keeps close watch from its perch. Taken in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A great horned owl keeps close watch from its perch. Taken in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
The final stop on my photo outing this past Sunday was to check on a pair of great horned owls in a suburban park.

On this day, they had opted for a different tree than the previous one I had seen them in but it actually provided better viewing. Well, about as good of viewing as you could hope for with these notoriously shy creatures.

This one was the most easily spotted, something which it didn’t seem to particularly appreciate. It was a bit surprised to find someone watching it but once it ascertained I wasn’t a threat, settled down and went back to sleep.

As you’re looking at this pic, check out the owl’s talons. Quite impressive and certain to do some damage.

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