Great Horned Owl nails down a spot to nap

Great Horned Owl nails down a spot to nap

A great horned owl takes a nap on the roof of an old shed on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)
A great horned owl takes a nap on the roof of an old shed on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)

To understand that title, you might have to view this image full screen. Look at all those nails sticking out of the roof!

Certainly you would not think this is a particularly comfortable spot but the owl didn’t seem to mind one bit. In fact, it never once opened its eyes or even turned its head while I was watching it.

It is kind of exciting to think this owl, and hopefully a mate, will opt to setup a home in this little shed on the Colorado plains. It has some nice viewing and, if little ones come along, would make for some cool captures.

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