The birds!

The birds!

A massive flock of Canada geese flies across the Colorado Front Range. (© Tony’s Takes)
A massive flock of Canada geese flies across the Colorado Front Range. (© Tony’s Takes)

Kind of like from the Alfred Hitchcock movie, I came across this insanely massive flock of geese this past weekend on the plains of Colorado. From end to end, it had to have stretched for more than a quarter mile.

If you want to try counting them, feel free, but I just know there was a LOT of them. 😉

The majority of them were likely Canada geese which we see a lot of here in the winter, unfortunately too many. They become overwhelming at times, particularly when they take up residence in urban and suburban parks.

A massive flock of Canada geese flies across the Colorado Front Range. (© Tony’s Takes)
A massive flock of Canada geese flies across the Colorado Front Range. (© Tony’s Takes)

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