The near full “goose moon”
A Canada goose flies in front of a near full moon. (© Tony’s Takes)

January’s full moon is really called the wolf moon but I figured given these shots, I would rename it for my purposes.

Earlier this week I went on a bit of an excursion and since my desired subject matter chose to stay hidden, I took pics of these common creatures instead. I don’t normally photograph Canada geese as they are everywhere and, honestly, I find them kind of annoying. But, in the late afternoon, multiple skeins of them flew over with the moon serving as a backdrop.

While I didn’t get pics of the critter I wanted, at least these guys helped occupy my time.

Canada geese fly in front of a near full moon. (© Tony's Takes)
Canada geese fly in front of a near full moon. (© Tony’s Takes)
Canada geese fly in front of a near full moon. (© Tony's Takes)
Canada geese fly in front of a near full moon. (© Tony’s Takes)
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