The master of camouflage

To say Great Horned ??Owls? are usually difficult to spot would be an understatement. They blend in extraordinarily well with their surroundings and find ways to hide themselves in thick trees that is beyond explanation.

Yesterday while walking through a stand of trees I heard the unmistakable ‘hoot’ of one nearby. While I was quite certain I knew which tree it was in, I had to spend 20 minutes walking around and studying every part of the tree to find it. The owl had itself so well buried in the thick of the tree this is the clearest capture I could get of it (other than a parting flight shot).

Now that most have setup nests for the season I should start having better luck getting decent images of them. Taken in Morgan County, Colorado.

A Great Horned Owl does a nice job of hiding and camouflaging itself. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Great Horned Owl does a nice job of hiding and camouflaging itself. (© Tony’s Takes)

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