The trees have eyes!

The trees have eyes!
A pair of great horned owls stays well-hidden. (© Tony’s Takes)

The trees have eyes! Four of them in fact. 😉 

It’s been quite a while since I have visited this pair of great horned owls. During the winter, they oftentimes spend the daytime roosted in a lone tree kind of out in the middle of nowhere. Given the location, they aren’t too comfortable with human visitors but on Thursday, they actually let me get some decent captures.

The tree is very busy and has dead leaves lingering so there is no hope of a clear shot of them but it made for a fun shot and getting both in the same frame, facing the same direction while looking at me was a bonus.

In hiking out to them, I did also get a refresher on how thin ice usually is here in Colorado and how you really shouldn’t step on it. Seems like that is a lesson I have to learn at least once a year that results in very cold and wet feet.

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