Video slideshow: Top shots 2020 – Birds

I always joke that, “I don’t take pictures of little birds.” That is not entirely true and every now and then, a non-raptor will get my attention and I can’t help but take a picture. While I took pics of probably dozens of species of birds during my 2020 photo year, this is a look at 25 or so that I really liked, either because of the image itself or because of the species. All taken in Colorado. In order of appearance:

1. Broad-tailed hummingbird
2. Snowy egret
3. American goldfinch
4. American white pelican
5. Lark bunting
6. Long billed curlew
7. Northern flicker
8. Wood duck
9. Common nighthawk
10. White faced ibis
11. Black crowned night heron (juvenile)
12. Bullock’s oriole (female)
13. Blue grosbeak
14. Black capped chickadee
15. Red winged blackbird
16. Grasshopper sparrow
17. Great blue heron & American white pelican
18. Turkey
19. Yellow headed blackbird
20. Double crested cormorant
21. American avocet
22. Dark eyed junco
23. Mallard duck (female) and ducklings
24. Killdeer
25. Blue jay

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