An absolutely gorgeous panoramic today in northern Colorado. I had to go to Cheyenne for work and on my way back this morning I came across a herd of about 40 of these beautiful animals. Throw in the snow covered plains and mountains and it made for a nice pic. Best of all, the herd was relatively tolerant of me and let me get some great images. You’ll be seeing more of them in the near future.

BTW, these are not truly antelope. Pronghorn are what folks oftentimes call antelope (and sing about ala “Home on the Range”) however that is a misnomer. Settlers called these animals antelope due to their similarity to Old World species however the pronghorn is its own, distinct family.

A herd of Pronghorn graze in the plains with the snow-capped Rocky Mountains in the background. (© Tony’s Takes)
A herd of Pronghorn graze in the plains with the snow-capped Rocky Mountains in the background. (© Tony’s Takes)

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