Who goes there?

A Red Tailed Hawk keeps close watch on the photographer. Yesterday evening my wife and I came across this fabulous hawk in a local suburban park.

Probably due in part to where it has taken up residence with people constantly around, it was astoundingly comfortable with our presence. We watched it pounce on a vole for a meal, fly to a tree coming within 15 feet of us, and then proceeded to devour its meal right near us (lots of pics to share of that later).

After it was done with its meal, it seemed to just be soaking in the evening sun when I walked around the other side of the tree to get a front shot of it. As I did, I see the hawk watching me quite curiously, never threatened by me one bit. It never left its perch and just watched us until we decided to move on. A pretty darned awesome encounter to say the least.

Taken in Thornton, Colorado, USA.

A Red Tailed Hawk keeps close watch on the photographer.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Red Tailed Hawk keeps close watch on the photographer. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Red Tailed Hawk bathed in late afternoon light.   (© Tony’s Takes)
A Red Tailed Hawk bathed in late afternoon light. (© Tony’s Takes)

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