Wile E Coyote contemplates taking on something a bit bigger than Road Runner

Wile E Coyote contemplates taking on something a bit bigger than Road Runner
A coyote carefully passes by a bison bull at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. (© Tony’s Takes)

Somehow I think he would fair worse with this bison bull than taking on that little bird! 😀 

I had a ton of fun watching this coyote as it patrolled the prairie this past weekend. More than once it walked right by the bison but they paid it no attention.

Certainly, one coyote poses no threat to a full-grown bison and I am sure the coyote knew better than to try anything. If there had been a pack of them, then I suspect the bison might have reacted differently. As is, the coyote was simply walking by and ended up on the opposite side of the road where it dined on a cache of some sort of meat it had stashed.

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